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The general information


The electronic version (archive)

Requirements to registration of articles for the publication in magazine

Processing of the materials which have arrived in edition

Order of reviewing of manuscripts

Editorial board



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Each article presented to the editorial office of the “Finansovye issledovania” journal, necessarily undergoes reviewing procedure obligatory. This procedure is anonymous both for the author, and for the reviewer. As reviewers the journal involves both  members of the editorial board, and external experts. The reviewer should have a scientific degree of candidate or doctor of sciences or experience of practical work in the given sphere.

  1. After being received  the article is registered, considered by the editorial board and is given for reviewing to the experts in corresponding sphere.
  2.  The reviewer should estimate:
    • Scientific level of an article;
    • Urgency of presented questions;
    • Novelty and informativity;
    • Conformity of volume to the chosen subject.
  3. The review structure should meet the following requirements:
    • Whether it is necessary to publish the material;
    • Whether to return to the author (authors) for completion;
    • Whether to send the material for additional reviewing (Given the names of possible reviewers);
    • Or to reject the material as unsuitable for publication (With motivation of refusal).
  4.  When it is recommended “to publish the material after completion” the reviewer should point out the remarks (requirements to the given material) which are obligatory from  his (her) point of view.
    The reviewer should also single out the remarks which can be considered as desirable changes.
  5. The article may be sent to the author for revision by e-mail, if the review indicates the need to make corrections. In this case, the date of receipt of the manuscript in the Editorial Board is the date of return of the finalized scientific article by the author.
  6. The scientific article submitted to the author for corrections should be sent back to the Editorial Board in a corrected form within one month. To the revised manuscript should be attached an explanatory letter from the authors, containing answers to all comments and corrections that have been made.
  7. In case of disagreement with the reviewer's opinion, the author of the article has the right to provide a reasoned response to the Editorial Board. The article can be sent for a second review or for approval to the Editorial Board or the Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Financial Research". In controversial cases the decision is made by the Editor-in-Chief.
  8. The article with revisions based on the reviewer's comments is sent to the reviewer for approval. If the article revised by the author and approved by the reviewer meets the requirements of the Editorial Board, it is published in the journal.
  9. The Editorial Board of the journal "Financial Research" reserves the right to reject articles primarily due to non-compliance with the requirements of originality of the author's text or in case of inability or unwillingness of the author to consider the opinion and recommendations of the Editorial Board. When refusing to send a manuscript submitted by the author for review, the Editorial Board is obliged to send a reasoned response to the author.
  10. Within the reviewing process, the Responsible Secretary of the Journal of Financial Studies brings to the author's attention the decision made, a reasoned response, with the maximum term of the review process of scientific articles between the dates of receipt of a manuscript by the Editorial Board and making a decision by the Editorial Board being 2 months. It should be noted that the period of stay of an article in the Editorial Board in each individual case is determined taking into account the conditions and requirements for the publication of the article in the next issue of the journal.
  11. The presence of a positive review is not formally a sufficient basis for publishing an article in the journal "Financial Research", as the final decision on the possibility of publishing highly intellectual research materials is made by the Editor-in-Chief.




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