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           Ethical standards                                                                                                            ðóñ | eng

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Requirements to registration of articles for the publication in magazine

Processing of the materials which have arrived in edition

Order of reviewing of manuscripts

Ethical standards for publications

Chief editor

Editorial board



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Ethical standards for publications need to ensure a high quality of scientific publications, the credibility of the research on the part of society and recognition of scientists for their ideas.
Should be avoided:

    • Fabrication and falsification of data fabrication of data means that the researcher did not carry out any work, and came up with the data. Falsification of data means that the researchers performed the experiment, but then changed some data. Both of these actions undermine the public trust in scientists.
    • Plagiarism: the use of other people's ideas and work without giving them their due - dishonest and unfair. Copy at least one offer from another manuscript, or even his own previously published manuscripts without issuing citations considered plagiarism - convey the meaning of your words.
    • Filing articles in several journals simultaneously: unethical to submit a manuscript to more than one log at a time. These actions take time editors and reviewers, and may also damage the reputation of the magazine, if the manuscript is published in more than one of them.
    • Clone publications: publication or similar means manuscripts, based on a single experiment. This will lead to the fact that readers will not pay attention to your work.


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